A New Kind Of Freedom

As we approach the 4th of July this year, what are your thoughts about our Freedom? The 4th is a celebration of independence for our nation, breaking away from the rule of another country’s government. Sometimes we take that for granted.

This year has been such a crazy, mixed up year! We have seen changes, some good, some not so good. There have been times when I felt like we were losing our freedom. I wasn’t happy with how the government was dictating how we could live our lives. It’s been frustrating and my attitude wasn’t very good. I’ll tell you, it is just a matter of perspective. And our perspective can change.

Since I’ve been traveling with my husband across the country this last couple of weeks, I have realized just what freedoms we really do have. Driving through the desert in temperatures over 100 degrees, I’ve been thinking about what it was like for our ancestors to travel these same routes, only in covered wagons, on horseback, or even on foot. They were looking for a new life. Hopefully a better life than they were leaving behind. Did they find it? Most of them didn’t because they died along the way. What really strikes me is how they didn’t let the adverse conditions hold them back. They found ways to make the most of some of the worst conditions they could possibly live in. 

Those thoughts gave me a new perspective. Have recent times been difficult? Sure. Have we had to adjust the way we live? Yes, to some degree. Will our lives be better for the changes in the long run? We can certainly hope so. The conditions and methods may not be what we would voluntarily choose, but they are so much better than they could be. 

I would like to suggest that instead of focusing on all the negativity, let’s take some time to be thankful for the freedoms we do have. Perhaps take a few minutes to write down some of the lessons you are learning, some positive changes you are making and observing around you. Instead of complaining about what we don’t like, let’s express gratitude for what we do like. Thank someone for their kindness or thoughtfulness. Thank the people who are working and serving so you can have your comforts and amenities. 

This 4th of July, let’s celebrate a new kind of freedom. A freedom from negative thoughts and attitudes. A freedom to have a positive outlook, filled with gratitude for the life we have and will have in the future. As I said in the beginning, it is all a matter of perspective and we have complete control over that! Celebrate this 4th of July with an attitude of gratitude!

PS - If you are having a tough time thinking of things to be thankful for, give me a call and let’s chat.

PPS -  Want some easy and healthy summer recipes? I have some great resources I would love to share. Let me know and I’ll send you a link!