The Feelings Are Real!


I debated for quite some time just what to write about for today. My first thought was to repeat all the cautions you have been hearing about. Then I thought of writing about how to protect yourself by boosting your immune system. If you want to know more about that, you can contact me directly. I’d be more than happy to help you set yourself up for healthier living. But that’s not what is really on my mind.


When I was on the plane (yes, I actually flew during this Pandemic), I decided I would address the feelings I am having. I’m sure most of you are having similar feelings. Seeing almost no cars at the departure area and no lines at the TSA screening stations; watching people walk around the airport, keeping their social distance as much as possible; seeing so many of them wearing gloves and masks; seeing all the warnings posted everywhere; it’s unnerving to say the least. It is very surreal! I feel like I’m in a Sci-Fi movie! I don’t watch TV so I don’t know what the media is saying unless I choose to log in through Google or read all the Facebook posts. The little I’ve heard and read is more about causing fear and panic than actually educating the people! And still, my emotions are running high.


I will not submit to fear. I do have some anxiety and unrest. My disquiet is not because I fear contracting the virus (although according to the reports, I am at high risk because I am over 60 and I have an autoimmune disease-the fact is, I am very healthy). I am much more concerned about all the people who are having to stay home, who depend on their paychecks, every single one of them, just to pay their living expenses. How are they going to make it over the next few weeks? What about all the small businesses who are either required to shut down because of government mandates, or they must close their doors because they have no customers and can’t afford to stay open?


I am anxious about the fact that something like this can actually happen in this day and age! With all of the modern conveniences and technology we have, we are still vulnerable. It bothers me that the government can mandate such extreme changes to our day-to-day living without us having any say at all. And at the same time, I am thankful that we have a government that is proactive and desires to protect the population of this country.


So many conflicting emotions. Fear, anxiety, worry, confusion, gratitude, love, acceptance…


I don’t have any answers or profound advice other than, keep your mind on the positive. Take advantage of this time to really evaluate what is important. Do some sweeping away of things that don’t really serve you. Now is the perfect time to set up new healthy routines. Be in contact with loved ones and let them know how much you care about them (and why). Spend some time with immediate family and explore fun activities you can all do together.  Talk about how you are feeling and what this all means to each of you. This is the time to rekindle human interaction, realize that all of our “business” may not be necessary! Find ways to become more efficient with your time.


We can make this a time of panic and chaos, or we can make it a time of gratitude and joy, purging what is troublesome and focusing on what you are thankful for. The feelings we are feeling are real. We can choose which ones we want to focus on and which ones we want to let go of. We actually do have some control over what is going on. So, follow the guidelines to stay physically healthy, and make an effort to keep your mind in a positive and grateful state. We will get through this. Let’s do it well!



PS. If you want to get some help and ideas of how to keep a positive mindset, I am available to offer some guidance.


PPS. If you are interested in knowing more about how to stay healthy, and how to boost your immune system to lessen your risk of contracting any cold or flu virus, I have some great ideas and resources.